
Orange river
Sight fishing smallmouth yellowfish
Sight fishing smallmouth yellowfish In a thrilling day of sight fishing smallmouth yellowfish, angler Richard Gibson landed an unforgettable catch. Exploring the hidden channels of the river, we navigated through narrow bends, carefully scanning the shallows for the perfect sight fishing opportunity. Targeting Barbel Among Yellowfish in Shallow Channels Pushing far up a side channel,...
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Sharptooth Catfish
Sharptooth Catfish Sharptooth Catfish: This week’s angler, Lance Rorich, faced some challenging fishing conditions that kept the fish down and made bites a rare occurrence. The scarcity of action heightened everyone’s nerves as they all hoped not to miss the big one. The Perfect Cast After observing a few small bubbles rising to the surface,...
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Orange River yellowfish fishing Orange River yellowfish fishing: Six experienced anglers from across South Africa gathered at the mighty Orange River, ready for what promised to be an action-packed day. The morning started with excitement as fish practically leapt into nets in the swift side channels. Spirits were high, and the group felt unstoppable. Then,...
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Orange River Fly Fishing Four adventurous anglers from across the globe gathered on the secluded banks of the Orange River, ready for a fly fishing experience like no other. Their backgrounds were as varied as the fish they sought: one from the misty hills of North-West Ireland, another from Kenya, and the final pair—a father...
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Kalahari Drift
Kalahari Drift The Kalahari Drift season has begun, and we’ve just completed our first drift. The water level has been steadily decreasing since our arrival on the Orange River, and it’s also becoming clearer. Conditions are looking promising, and the fish have been actively feeding. Initially, the cold front made the start of our drift...
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Not even the threat of two cold fronts coming through during the first drift of the season could dampen the spirits of the African Waters and Gravity guides teams as we prepared for the arrival of our first guests of the 2020 Kalahari Wilderness Drift Season at our base, Red Rock River Camp. With our Tanzania...
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The long, never ending road to Eldorado was to be embarked on one last time. The group of Tavis, Brad, Paolo and international guest Tim joined myself and Matt on the last drift of the 2019 season. Tavis, who joined us last year on a trip, was back for another crack at the Orange with...
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Group 4 of the Kalahari season brought Brad, Dean and Morne to the banks of the Orange River. The three Capetonians had and an absolute blast. We caught some good fish, both Largemouth and smallmouth yellowfish and the guys learned alot in their week drifting down the gorge. The guys brought a great vibe to...
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The halfway mark of our Kalahari season saw veteran African Waters guest, Brian Griffith, join me in the hot, dry landscape of the Northern Cape  With the elusive largemouth yellowfish on the mind, and any other species willing to take a fly, Brian arrived at Upington airport on a typical scorcher Kalahari afternoon.With Brian being...
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kalahari-largemouth-yellowfish-season-2019-group-1 african waters cast-connect-conserve fishing blog
The Orange River, an endless ribbon of beauty snaking its way across almost half of the country. Her size, power and flare is forever noticeable. Not only does she boast with unreal scenery and breath-taking views, but offers us gold straight from her waters. This gold is what inspired weeks of planning
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