
rainbow trout
Today marked another stationary donation to the Makhangoa community school. It is incredible to see all the kids back at school now, which only started on the 6th of April 2021. The kids have been without an education for over a year due to covid 19, the reason being that remote rural schools such as...
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I can’t believe what I have just experienced this week, this is my first season on the Bokong, and I was completely blown away!After the last big rains, the river cleared and was slowly dropping. Along with some great sunny days, the water temperature was slowly rising, getting the yellows fired up. Russel De La...
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makhangoa-community-camp-2018-19-season-blog-5-african-waters fishing blog
This week we were joined by Gordon van der Spuy, who was hosting two groups with us. The first group saw mostly anglers who had not fished the Bokong previously. A lack of rain, since our return earlier this month, meant that the river had dropped about 2 feet in the last couple
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After a refreshing Christmas break, there was a lot of excitement amongst us guides to return the beautiful Kingdom in the Sky! We were joined by returning guests Avril and Peet as well as couple Dawid and Anne, Greg and Stephan. Large amount of rain had occurred in the week
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With Lesotho experiencing the biggest rains we have had in the past three years (which is a very welcome), it was with trepidation we welcomed guest anglers Jako Lucas and Oliver White into camp for a 7 night Trekking trip. Knowing that given a break in the seemingly unrelenting
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Welcome to the Makhangoa Community Camp With the lingering drought conditions affecting most of Lesotho, the fishing conditions in early summer have been tougher than normal this season. None the less, all guests are managing to land some good fish in the technical conditions.
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In the realm of fishing, things can either be disastrous or spectacular and on some very rare occasions it can be both. This was the case with Hein Prinsloo, David Karpul and his dad Mendel on their visit to the Makhangoa Community Camp. The rain had been absent for weeks and
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With a Toyota Quantum approaching from a distance struggling up the hills of the breath-taking Lesotho Highlands, we knew this was going to be an interesting week. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a South African turned Swedish journalist by the name of Simon who was transporting
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For their fourth time Dave (Davo), Graeme (G man), John, Umkulu and Pelham made there annual pilgrimage up from Natal to the Bokong valley. Joining them for the first time was John Bredin, who made a worthy addition to the team.
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2016 was a tough year for many of us and the drought took its toll on all of us, but that is in the past. 2017 is here and we are looking forward to the year with great expectations. The drought seems to be over, in fact we had a little mre rain than we...
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