
Kilombero North Safaris
Rest,revive, release, remember, and repeat. The beauty of a sustainable tiger fishing operation.It was with slight trepidation that we welcomed Seb and his crew back to camp this season. Having had a blow out 2 years ago, and on the back of a very tough week 9, things were
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Although the 2016 season has been a relatively short and compact edition, a cursory flick through the previous blogs was a good reminder of how lively and eventful it has been, and also went a long way to explaining why the guides team was digging so deep into energy reserves
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Nothing beats a full fishing camp, and after the last few relatively relaxed weeks, there was a definite buzz about arrival day as we welcomed seven new guests for the fifth installment of the 2016 Tiger season. As always we were very happy to be seeing Paul Lavins back where he
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After a last minute cancellation on arrival day of two due guests, Steve and Vyvyen found themselves with the same happy conundrum that faced our previous guests, with one difference. Not only did they have both rivers and camps to themselves for the week, they also had four
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The best summary of the events of the second week of the Tanzania Tigerfishing season of 2016 was the ‘back to school, end of holiday’ feeling amongst the guides as we packed our four clients onto their departing charter plane. Thankfully there is never much time to mope around
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