
fly fishing guides
2016 was a tough year for many of us and the drought took its toll on all of us, but that is in the past. 2017 is here and we are looking forward to the year with great expectations. The drought seems to be over, in fact we had a little mre rain than we...
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30km of Mnyera River and about 60km of Ruhudji were the exclusive property of just two anglers that made up the third week of the 2016 season. It was great to be able to catch up again with Tim who had fished with us two years ago, and also a pleasure to welcome Allan, who...
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The life of a fly fishing guide is very often filled with moments of crisis control. Jan and Hagen’s trip was one of those times of crisis. First off, Lionel’s boat which had been niggling with starter issues for a few weeks finally decided to take early retirement from guiding
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