African Waters

Tanzania Trophy Tigers 2019, weeks 3, 4 and 5 photo Blog

Wouter had been threatening to bring his wife along on one of his fishing adventures with us for quite some time, and it was an absolute pleasure to meet and guide Natasja. This is Wouter’s second 20 pounder in Tanzania.
Natasja had been practicing on the lawn in the weeks leading up to her first tiger fishing trip. It was all worth it as she has this 15 pounder to show for her efforts.
Making good use of the travel time on the upper Ruhudji to strap a few more flies for the days fishing. 
Miles fished with us in Tanzania in 2017. He promised to return to settle a few loose ends with the tigers. 
A man of his word, he returned! This time he brought backup in the form of three good friends: Paul; Mark and Johan.
Mark with a beautiful neat and tidy 17lb rapids tiger. 
Miles got his revenge on the Ruhudji with this magnificent 20lb. 
This young bull elephant gave the guests quite the show. He wasn’t sure what to make of it all. But after a thoroughly entertaining display that cost many a young tree and shrub their lives. He settled down and made his way off, letting off one or two more trumpets as if to say “I showed them”  
Miles with his last fish of the week. 18 pounds.  
We would like to thank all the guests  for allowing us to share these amazing fisheries  with you. With your continued support we can achieve the joint  goal of conserving them for years and anglers to come.