Okavango Tigerfish Week 6: 14 – 19 Oct 2014

With water levels dropping fast and the catfish moving south the guides and guests were in for some longer boat rides to the hot spots this week. This is not a bad thing, as guests get to experience so Okavango River life as they are treated to a real life real time Okavango slide show as we make our way to and from camp each day.

The 3 British couples flew in from Johannesburg and were looking forward to experience Africa for the first time and to sample the great fishing, birding, and game viewing that the Okavango has to offer. The anglers in the group were couples, Jeremy and Jacqui and friends Mark and Chris with Jane and Kay joining the party for some sight –seeing. With the end of the season upon us and most of the runs moving down south the fishing was slow at first with a few small fish being caught on the first day while Jane and Kay were treated to some fantastic bird watching and were very excited to see all the hippos and crocodiles that frequent these waters.

By the third day the ladies also got in on the action when they were taken to a small lagoon to fish for some small tilapia (bream). It was their first fishing trip and both Jane and Kay landed a few small 3 spot bream just to rub salt in the wounds of the men who were having a difficult time landing the hard fighting tigerfish. Buy the end of the week everyone managed to land some good fish including Jacqui who got her very first tigerfish on fly! Everyone had a great time, and we were sad to see the group leave us and head to the Chobe National Park to sample more of what Botswana has to offer.

My stay in the Okavango is coming to an end as I head back to South Africa and on to Lesotho to prepare for the coming season there. I will be leaving for Johannesburg soon so I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Tourette Fishing team, Keith and Rob, and by fellow guides Lionel Song and Kyle Reed for sharing their knowledge and experience with me. It was a blast boys and an experience I will never forget. Can’t wait to get back for the 2015 season!

Good luck to all for the rest of the season.


Pierre and the TF Okavango Guides Team