Makhangoa Community Camp – Season 2020/2021 – Week 6

We enjoyed our first week of full sunshine for the new year and what a week it was.

With the heavy rains experienced over the course of the last few weeks, fish have become less concentrated and far more spread out. The colder water has also played its part by pulling some fish back into the dam in search of warmer water.

However, this made the fishing challenging yet incredibly visual and highly rewarding! We had to work harder to find feeding fish but when we did they were sitting right up high on the surface slowly patrolling, sipping terrestrials. Often these fish would require low and slow approaches with a well presented dry in order to get the fish to the net. During the tougher periods of fishing, the guys managed to consistently hook good numbers of fish on various dry dropper setups. 

Diepgat, a large pool situated just below camp, was on fire! Especially towards the end of the week when the water temperature started to rise and the water levels started to drop. The tailout consistently produced good numbers of fish and shots at some truly massive smallmouth yellowfish! 

It must be noted that a couple of the guys managed to hook and land their first ever yellowfish which caused for much celebration amongst the guys in camp! It was truly awesome to share those experiences with the various guys in the group which made for memories not to be forgotten.

The team in camp could not have enjoyed the week more thanks to the festivities and laughter experienced by all, on and off the water. The enthusiasm amongst the guests was truly contagious and ensured for an incredible week up in Makhangoa Community Camp!


Till next week,

Phil & Greg

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