Makhangoa Community Camp 2019/20 Season – Blog 3
I can’t believe what I have just experienced this week, this is my first season on the Bokong, and I was completely blown away!
After the last big rains, the river cleared and was slowly dropping. Along with some great sunny days, the water temperature was slowly rising, getting the yellows fired up. Russel De La Harpe hosted a group of friends and the stars were aligned for them. It was a great few days with lots of laughs, great food, some late night whiskeys, and plenty yellowfish landed by all. The week consisted of numerous douple-ups, and even a triple-up, leaving both guests and guides beaming with smiles from ear to ear. One of the highlights was watching Connor (9 years old) progress throughout the trip. By the end of it he was executing perfect presentations in tricky situations, and converting almost every fish.
It was truly an unbelievable week and we can’t wait to see how the fishing will progress.
Till next time