Fly Fishing week in Gabon

Last year, this group of fly fishermen decide to throw caution to the wind, and embark on an trip to Gabon. The aim was to target the many large predatory fish of Gabon from the shore, solely with fly. This initial trip in 2016 was a huge success, the team landed 3 tarpon off the beach, the largest estimated at 190 plus lbs. Jacks, threadfin, cubera all joined the party. This year they went back, and the big question was whether last year was a flash in the pan, or could the guys replicate the results.

Was it a success – most definitely. But, in order to build some anticipation, we are leaving it in the hands of Conrad Botes to tell the story. Keep an eye on The Mission Fly Fishing mag for a full spread on what went done on the beaches of Gabon. Here is a little Video report back from a few of the team.
